这里是烤逝以外的自由成长。 世界那么大,多玩玩看看。
氦,我是壹位姜(a.k.a. ABitGinger),一个对网络世界饶有兴致而对各种电子产品、网络技术略知一二的不务正业的机械类专业学生。一个博而不精的技术宅。
Minecraft 忠实爱好者,有自己的服务器,热爱生存、建筑、啃wiki,偶尔沉迷小游戏。写有一份MC文档,旨在帮助任何人玩得一路顺风。
—— 你能来看我真的很开心了
Here lies the free growth beyond the exams. The world is so vast, play and explore more.
Hi, I am Jiang (a.k.a. ABitGinger), a student majoring in mechanical engineering with a keen interest in the digital world and a smattering of knowledge about various electronic products and internet technologies. A jack-of-all-trades, master of none, tech geek.
Currently, I am an undergraduate student at Dalian University of Technology, studying Automotive Engineering (English Enhanced). My religion: Mathematics – although it often fails to bless me.
A loyal enthusiast of Minecraft, I have my own server, love survival, building, and reading wikis, occasionally getting lost in mini-games. I have written a MC documentation, aimed at helping anyone to have a smooth gaming experience.